Thursday, January 10, 2013

Did you know...

We learned all about Christopher Columbus and want to share our information with you!

Did you know...

  • Columbus was trying to find a new and quicker route to Asia, but he found America! However, he thought he was in the Indies, so he named the people he met Indians. -  Nicholas
  • Christopher Columbus had two sons named Diego and Ferdinand, with two different women. Diego's mother was Dona Felipa Moniz de Perecstrello and Ferdinand's mother was Beatriz Enriquez de Arana. - Lorena
  • Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492...August 3, 1492 to be exact! - Bryan
  • Christopher Columbus was born  in 1451 in Genoa , Italy. His parents where named Susanna and Domenico Columbo. - Carlos
  •  King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave Christopher Columbus 3 ships and 90 men for his trip. -Sorhaya
  • Christopher Columbus wanted to be a sailor when he was a boy. - Oscar
  •   The country of Colombia in South America is named for him, as is Columbus, Ohio. - Azalea
  • He helped build Permanent settlements in the new world for Spain. - Hector                             
  • The sailors saw land on October 1492.-David  
  • Christopher  Columbus was born in what is now Italy about 1451 - Rayven

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